You must use a valid email address, as a verification mail will be sent
Your details will not be passed on to any 3rd parties
Login using your chosen username & password
Login uses sessions, so after many minutes of inactivity you may need to login again
Your Account
You must be logged in to view account details
The "My Account" screen shows your stats including how many films & discs you have submitted, how many images (posters & covers) and how many are pending approval
It also features links to your collection & wishlists
There is a seperate page (edit account) to update basic account details
Your Collection
You must be logged in to add to/manage your collection
Your collection can be accessed from your account page
It can be made visible to anyone, or just yourself-there is a link to alter this on your collection control panel
Adding films is easy-just click the button on the bottom right of the film listing
Films can be deleted by clicking the X next to it
Example collection of the admin
Your Wishlist
You must be logged in to add to/manage your wishlist
Your wishlist can be accessed from your account page
Your wishlist is only visible by you
Adding films to your wishlist is easy-just click the button on the bottom right of the film listing
Films can be deleted by clicking the X next to it
About me
You must be logged in to view and edit "about me" pages
Edit your description in the text box and click save when you are done
Your submitted description is displayed at the top of the page
Your description is visible by all registered users, but only you can edit yours
To delete your description just empty the text box & click save
Submitting films
You must be logged in to submit films
This is database of Japanese torture & bondage films, so only Japanese produced films will be accepted
Your submitted film will not be displayed publically until approval by an administrator (normally within 24 hours)
Submitting updates
You must be logged in to submit updates
Click the "Update Listing" button
Fill in as many new details as you can
The update will not be displayed publically until approval by an administrator (normally within 24 hours)
Submitting discs
You must be logged in to submit discs
Clicking the "Add Disc" button on a film listing takes you to the add disc page
Fill in as much detail as possible
The update will not be displayed publically until approval by an administrator (normally within 24 hours)
When approved, a cover image can be added by clicking
Submitting images
You must be logged in to submit images (posters and covers)
Simply click on the "Image not Available" button to go to the upload page
With the image saved on your computer, click browse to select the correct file (dosen't matter what it is called) and click "Upload"
Images must be .jpg's
Maximum image size is 150kb
In case of upload problems images can be emailed to me (alongwith your username for credit) by clicking This Link
Distributors please register and help make sure your product is described correctly
You are welcome to send banner ads for display free of charge - they are best emailed. They will only be displayed if they are of correct size (468 wide x 60 high) and less than 150Kb. Please include a hyperlink you wish the banner to link to
Legal Disclaimer
This site may contain references of an adult nature
The views expressed herein are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the hosting company, or anyone elses views